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Washington State Institute for Public Policy
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Reentry Community Services Program (previously named the Offender Reentry Community Safety or Dangerously Mentally Ill Offenders program)

Adult Criminal Justice
  Literature review updated June 2024.

The Reentry Community Services Program (RCSP) in Washington State was designed to assist adults leaving prison who meet certain eligibility criteria. To qualify for the program, individuals must have a mental health disorder and pose a danger to themselves or others if released to the community without supportive services. A multisystem care planning team of mental health and correctional professionals coordinate a release plan for each individual before they are released from prison. Once the individual is released into the community, the program provides up to 60 months of coordinated case management and offers intensive services related to housing, mental health treatment, and financial assistance. This program was previously called the Offender Reentry Community Safety (ORCS), and before that, Dangerously Mentally Ill Offenders (DMIO).

WSIPP evaluation and benefit cost findings from our most recent analysis in 2024 can be found here.

Citations Used in the Meta-Analysis

Whichard, C., Grob, H., Wanner, P., & Adams, N. (2024). An assessment of Washington State’s Reentry Community Services Program: Outcome evaluation, potential for expansion, and effective components (Document Number 24-06-1901). Olympia: Washington State Institute for Public Policy